In The Land of the Adagahi

music by June Olsson


In the Land of the Adagahi


Originally the underscore from the Stage Play, this CD contains several pieces originally choreographed in the play.  The play had sections of no-dialogue where movement or choreography told the story.  Thus there are several lyrical pieces suitable for short dances including:


The Meadow - originally a duet / a sentimental & flirtatious exchange / flute and strings

In the Shed - an instrumental reprise of the Church Hymn - originally a warm father/daughter exchange shown in movement.  Has a light spiritual feeling with acoustic guitar-like melody and strings.

The Enchantment - synthesizer atmosphere piece with a Native American influence to the melody-line, which is tuneful but not in a song structure.

The Tinker's Song - Loosely based folk type tune with verse/chorus type structure used for pantamine action of various people buying items from the Tinker's Cart.



       Listening  Listen to CD:   COMING SOON!


CD is $15.00

Also by June Olsson:

Ballet:  Ballet Barre & Center CDs - Beginners Level 1, Beginners Level II, Intermediate, Intermediate II & Pointe and Advanced

Modern Dance: Dance Phrases, Dance Phrases II - Variations, Dance Phrases Single Cds

Tap Dance:  Drumming for Tap - Volume 1 Mother Goose - all Level Tap CD

Other CDs:  Fast Dragon, In the Land of the Adagahi, Sleep & Dream

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