Fluctuating Hemlines

by Tigger Benford

Live Performance Dance Score

commissioned by ballet choreographer

Septime Webre (now director of the Washington Ballet)



28 minutes in length, this cd is a suite of driving percussion pieces.  Each piece is in a distinct rhythm and has different instrumental flavors.  Instruments include djembe, tabla, rik, hadgini, and djun djun as well as congas, bongos, and synthesizer.  Drum set performance is by Todd Isler.


Originally commissioned for ballet, this percussion suite can be adapted for modern dance combinations.  This percussion score has long tracks which keep a rhythmic phrase going for the length of the track.  Although this is a recording of a live performance and some tracks contain minimal applause fade in/ fade outs between movements, the music can be easily used for modern combinations or across the floor patterns.


Selections include:

Mystery Intro (4:42), Men's Dance (3:29), Pas de Duex (2:21), Snood (0:59), Buzz (3:18), Salsa Waltz( 2:47), Finale (4:21), Finale Reprise (2:21), Exit Jam (3:30)


Excerpts of Fluctuating Hemlines are in MP3 format.
If you need a free MP3 player or more information on how to play an MP3 file, Click Here.

Listening  Play or Download an excerpt of Men's Dance

Listening  Play or Download an excerpt of Buzz

Listening  Play or Download an excerpt of Salsa Waltz

Listening  Play or Download an excerpt of Exit Jam


Fluctuating Hemlines is $15.00 for the Single CD.
CD comes in a slim-line case

CDs by Tigger Benford:   Vessel of Gratitude, Fluctuating Hemlines, Talamalika, Songs From the Second World


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