M.F.A. in Hindustani Music (North Indian Classical) California
Institute of the Arts 1987
Scholarship recipient, Hochschule der
Kunste; West Berlin, Germany 1985-86
B.F.A. in Western Percussion
Performance / California Institute of the Arts 1985
Idyllwild Arts Academy*1987 to the present (Modern, Jazz and Ballet)
Riverside Community College*1991 thru 1996 (Modern, Jazz and Ballet)
Bella Lewitzky Dance Company*1984 thru 1989 (Modern, Summer Workshops)
California Institute of the Arts*1981 thru 1987 (Modern)
accompanist 1981 to the present (Modern, Jazz and Ballet)
Mark has worked with such respected dance instructors as:
FROM LOS ANGELES- Lawrence Blake, Rebecca Bobele, Joanne (Jo) Dierdorff, Sean Greene, Bernard Johnson, Bella Lewitzsky, Loretta Livingston, Rudy Perez, George De la Pena, Kathryn Scarano, Diana MacNeil, Linda Sohl-Donnell Kurt Weinheimer, and Rose Polsky.
ALSO: Bill Evans (NewMexico),Greg Patterson (Mark Morris Company), Henry Smith (Solaris Dance Co. N.Y.), Katherine (Kitty) Daniels (Cornish Art Institute), Joe Godde (San Francisco), Donna Wood & Bill Cratty (Paul Taylor Co.) and Terry French (West Berlin)
Mark has the following CD available:
CD is $15.00