Original Music for Ballet Class - Volume 7
by ballet pianist
Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts' CD is 76+ minutes long with 36 tracks. The Barre exercises repeat a track for the second side and are arranged by Margaret Graham Hills, former member of the Sadlers Wells Ballet (now the Royal Ballet) and Claire Bloom, a former member of the Israel National Opera Ballet. Center Practice combinations (tracks 24 -36) are arranged by Michael Roberts. Selections are original piano compositions. Michael Roberts was born in Sussex, England. He began playing the piano at age four. From 1967 to 1975 Michael was production stage manager for Harold Prince in London's West End. He has been accompanying and composing for dance for over three decades. Michael has played for such notables as Finis Jhung, Stanley Holden, David Howard, Juliet Prowse, Mark Morris, Alvin Alley, American Ballet Theater, The Joffrey Ballet, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago and Mikhail Baryshnikov. He has produced four ballet Class CD's and one Modern Dance CD. Currently he is music and technical coordinator for the Trudl Zipper Dance Institute at the Colburn School for the Performing Arts in Los Angeles California. |
Selections Include:
Barre Exercises |
Time |
1. |
2 bar intro 4/4 slow |
32 bar + 8 bar Balance |
2:41 |
2. |
2:41 |
3. |
Battements Tendus |
2 bar intro 4/4 slow |
64 bars (2nd half faster) |
2:48 |
4. |
Battements Tendus (repeat) |
2:48 |
5. |
Battements Tendus |
2 bar intro 4/4 moderate |
32 bars |
1:19 |
6. |
Battements Tendus (repeat) |
1:19 |
7. |
4 bar intro 3/4 moderate |
64 bars (2nd half faster) |
1:46 |
8. |
1:46 |
9. |
Rond de Jambes a Terre |
4 bar intro 3/4 moderate |
128 bars |
4:56 |
10. |
Rond de Jambes a Terre (repeat) |
4:56 |
11. |
Battements Fondus (Tango) |
2 bar intro 4/4 slow |
64 bars |
2:54 |
12. |
Battements Fondus (Tango) -repeat |
2:54 |
13. |
Battements Frappes |
2 bar intro 4/4 moderate |
32 bars |
1:09 |
14. |
Battements Frappes (repeat) |
1:09 |
15. |
Rond de Jambes en L'air |
4 bar intro 3/4 moderate |
64 bars |
1:53 |
16. |
Rond de Jambes en L'air (repeat) |
1:53 |
17. |
Petits Battements |
4 bar intro 2/4 fast |
64 bars |
1:00 |
18. |
Petits Battements (repeat) |
1:00 |
19. |
Adage |
4 bar intro 3/4 slow |
64 bars |
2:49 |
20. |
Adage (repeat) |
2:49 |
21. |
2 bar intro 6/8 moderate |
64 bars |
1:56 |
22. |
1:56 |
23. |
Stretch |
4 bar intro 3/4 slow |
64 bars |
2:44 |
Center Practice |
24. |
Port de Bras |
4 bar intro 3/4 moderate |
64 bars |
2:24 |
25. |
Battements Tendu |
2 bar intro 4/4 moderate |
32 bars |
1:16 |
26. |
Pirouettes |
4 bar intro 3/4 moderate |
64 bars |
1:55 |
27. |
Pirouettes |
4 bar intro 3/4 moderate |
64 bars |
1:46 |
28. |
Adage #1 |
2 bar intro 4/4 slow |
64 bars |
3:31 |
29. |
Adage #2 (Bolero) |
2 bar intro 3/4 moderate |
64 bars |
2:56 |
30. |
4 bar intro 2/4 fast |
32 bars |
0:29 |
31. |
Allegro #2 (Hornpipe) |
4 bar intro 2/4 moderate |
64 bars |
0:42 |
32. |
Allegro #3 (Grande Waltz) |
4 bar intro 3/4 moderate |
128 bars |
2:11 |
33. |
Tours en Diagonale |
4 bar intro 2/4 fast |
128 bars |
2:14 |
34. |
Petite Batterie |
4 bar intro 2/4 fast |
32 bars |
0:25 |
35. |
Grande Battements |
2 bar intro 4/4 moderate |
16 bars |
0:47 |
36. |
Port de Bras / Reverence |
4 bar intro 3/4 slow |
32 bars |
1:29 |
Original Music for the Ballet Class - Vol 7 is $23.00 for the CD.
See Michael's other CDs:
Dancing Fingers - Vol 8
Music for Ballet Class - Vol 4
Original Music for the Ballet Class - Vol 7
Original Music for the Modern Dance Class - Vol 1
Between the Barres
Dancing Scores
English Impressions
For other Ballet CD Selections
MP3 files of DANCE PHRASES :
MP3 files of Fast Dragon :
MP3 file on Using the Count Books :
MP3 files for DANCE PHRASES Singles :
MP3 files for Listening to the Earth